Sunday, 15 October 2017

River's Makeover and a Night Out

"I know that you're engaged..." Fiona said to Haruo, "River told me yesterday..."

"I apologize for not telling you before hand or asking you for permission for her hand in marriage..." Haruo apologized profusely.

Fiona shushed him, "I know about young happened to me too." she paused then smiled at Haruo. "You understand that I will be making sure that you treat my daughter right."

Haruo nodded...looking a bit worried

...and Fiona smiled at him again, "Never mind, Haruo, it's just the rantings of an old woman who knows that her daughter is growing up too quickly for her mother's liking. I know you will be a good husband for my daughter. She's never had a father-figure so you will have to be patient with her, but she has a good head on her shoulders and cares for those who are important to her deeply.

Haruo looked over at River who was watching her mother with an upraised eyebrow and then said to Fiona. "I'll take care of her and be the husband that River deserves...Mom." he said as Fiona beamed at him.

"Welcome to the McIrish family, Haruo..." Fiona said.

River gratified to see her mother and her fiance getting along gave Haruo a kiss that he could feel to his toes.

River wanted a makeover so she decided that she was going to take some time and get that done at the salon. She had been wearing this green sweater and jeans for the longest time and it made her feel frumpy and the jean dress and white blouse wasn't making her feel any better. She wanted to look "hot" for her husband-to-be. And to make heads turn at graduation by walking in on the arm of her fiance. So she told Haruo that she was going to go to the salon and that he was to come with her. Haruo ever-willing to do what River wanted agreed to go with her.

It was late and there wasn't a whole bunch of people there...but River was able to get her makeover...and she came out looking like a million simoleons. Haruo couldn't stop looking at her.

And it was quite evident that River McIrish was going to make her classmates' heads turn when she walked up to the dais to accept her high school diploma. Of course Parker Langerak and Ethan Bunch weren't going to happy about the fact that the little Asian "nerd" had scooped up River McIrish, the girl they had designs on, but well, tough for them. It wasn't certain as to when the school was going to assign a graduation date for the students who were graduating, but well, it would happen when it happened and right now, they had their lives to figure out what they needed to do to earn a healthy income (Creator: After all, they still have to move into their Legacy Home)

Since Haruo's lifetime wish was to be an acclaimed author, Haruo worked on his writing skills and since he now had a table and a computer, he was able to put the photo of him and River that was taken at the photobooth at the Leisure Day fair on the table beside him.

River on the other hand had rolled a Master of the Arts lifetime wish, so she started painting to increase her skills. Haruo already was naturally at level 8 piano (Asians...) due to piano lessons so he would be able to earn some money busking at Central Park if things got tough.

Haruo was so infatuated with River's new look, he could barely keep his hands off her.

Her lips...the subtle curves on her body...that she'd always kept hidden from view by wearing frumpy sweaters and clothes, but now was on full display in that gorgeous Irish Green nightie of hers that she was wearing. Oh...she could wear that for him for the rest of her life...

He unhanded her long enough for them to eat breakfast and Haruo got his ears chattered off by Sandi French. She was an adorable child but by about the third or fourth story that Sandi had told, Haruo's eyes were glazing over and he had a frozen smile on his face while feigning a look of wide-eyed interest.

In the evening, Haruo and River decided to skip the usual dysfunctional family squabbling at home and go out for a nice relaxing dinner.

Except as they got to the Bistro, Vita and Nick Alto got into a nasty screaming match. But they had booked reservations there so unfortunately they had to tolerate the two jawing at each other. Haruo would have knocked Nick out for some peace and quiet, but unfortunately, Nick had ties to the criminal Underworld and Vita would take dangerous exception to her husband being knocked out by some no-name person from Sunset Valley. The only way to stay safe was to stay out of it or get as dangerous as Nick or Vita and that took money.

The dinner was delicious outside of the audible interferences and the food was pretty good for the Bistro. Haruo and River enjoyed their dinner together and were looking forward to their future.

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