Wednesday 21 February 2018

Renovation Annoyance and Finally Moving In

As enormous as the house was, it wasn't really a practical house...with only one entrance to the entire it was back to the drawing board again. In that regards, it was spring again before they could move back in once a few things were adjusted (think entire house rebuild) When the new house was finally finished, Masayoshi did some science research and then tried to create nanites.

And River sold paintings while Haruo wrote books.

It was hard living in the house while certain sections got demolished and others got built...but they managed admirably. They could have afforded to move into another place while it was building, but they figured, what the heck...why waste money when they could just move around the house while the house was being altered to fit their needs and city hall's requirements: y' by-laws regarding houses having to have two exits and built to code. At least they had the money to revamp the house.

When the new house was done, Haruo decided to celebrate by trying to learn to play the violin. Yeah...that didn't go over too well with the rest of the family. It sounded like a cat getting its tail surgically removed without anaesthesia.

While River painted next to him. Haruo decided to play on the Bosenklavier concert grand piano (it's supposed to be a 9' Bosendorfer 920 concert grand piano) which cost him §100,000 mainly because he bought two. He was at Level 10 for piano playing which meant listening to a lot of Wolfgang Simis Amadeus Mozart and Johann Sebastiasim Bach but River indulged her husband's musical proclivities.

Of course it didn't stop him from torturing their ear-drums again with the violin. After all Bach did write the Double Concerto in D minor. And it would be nice to get to the point where he could play that. Though unfortunately it would probably take a number of "tortured cats" to do that.

Mama Fiona bought yet another painting from her beloved daughter and even though she was busy with fund-raising for her next run at public office, she still had time for a hug from her daughter.

Weekday mornings were usually hectic with the five kids and two of the four adults in the house having to fly out the door. But at least weekends were less so giving them the opportunity to relax and enjoy the morning as a family, before heading off to do their individual things.

The kids took advantage of the bowling alley (in their basement); well, when Dad and Mom are rich, you get to enjoy the finer things in life.

Allan try to mix up a potion and well, the results were rather frying.

He might want to try to remember the mixture amounts a little better the next time around.

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