Monday 3 September 2018

The Usual Tasks

The next morning was cloudy with a chance of rainfall, which was usually the case on Vancouver Island. Haruo, after eating breakfast and getting milk from the cows ended up doing some gaming on the tabletop video games in the living room. Then he went to the gem-cutter and cut some gemstones; after which he proceeded to play the violin - thank goodness he mastered it and is now able to play decently. Listening to him play before he mastered the violin was like eardrum torture.

Cooking additional meals and playing the piano were also on the list of things to do that day since ensuring that the fridge was stocked was a necessity with six hungry mouths in the house. Haruo also enjoyed playing piano as a de-stressor.

River was upstairs painting, since she needed to paint 10 paintings for the Business Decor...since the office had asked her to provide more paintings.

Braden tended to the hive...and of course...he got attacked (however the Watcher wasn't watching at the time...pity).

River had to run a few errands in she headed out. Of course Blair, now a grandmotherly type was out running errands of her own.

After she was done running errands she also did an impromptu performance of the keyboards at the diner which brought out a lot of the cooks to watch what she was doing. She also met up with her daughter, Alanna, who spent some time conversing with her. At the end of the conversation, River gave her daughter a big hug. Meanwhile. Braden had come out to read a book at the restaurant and well, Masatoshi was also at the restaurant but he didn't look like he was doing much. What is it with these sims? Do they do anything when they move out of the house?

Poor Colin got his first taste of homework and well, Karina being the old hand at homework and staying on the "honor roll" completed hers before Colin did. After a lot of eye-rolling and frustrated grunts, Colin did too and eventually, they ate a that they could get on to more fun things to do.

Greta had to present a course of action to her constituents at a townhall meeting so she honed up on her business presentation skills. After all, NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) syndrome was going to be an obstacle to further development of Cape Garner Island. Even her father-in-law and mother-in-law were proponents of non-development. They wanted the island to remain the sleepy little community that they had intended to move to. One of the first things that she had done when she'd gotten on city council was for Cape Garner's minor hockey league to have their own arena to play at. It meant that they didn't have to go on a ferry ride to Gibsons or to Vancouver Island to play at an arena there. And Greta had plans...big plans for Cape Garner Island.

Poor Colin, his first taste of homework was certainly un-appetizing. He definitely didn't appreciate the fact that homework was the foundation of developing his knowledge base. He was still hemming and hawing over his homework.

Haruo enjoyed his Margarite Vaguester that he'd driven while in Sunset Valley and Riverview so much that he bought another one as a replacement for the Lamborghini that he'd sold to the buyer of the house in Legacy Island when they'd decided to move to Cape Garner. The Vaguester was good enough for him.

Of course, he loved spending recreational time with River just as much as he liked driving his Vaguester. Braden also decided to take some time to spend some recreational time with Greta.

River also decided that she was going to take some time and improve her piano playing by practicing on the concert grand piano - the Bosenklavier.

Thus...the week passed with everyone doing their own thing, outside of the kids whose main job was to go to school, the rest of the family concentrated on earning simoleons, which was the main thing in life. Simoleons kept the family running on an even financial keel and that was the main goal; if you didn't have simoleons, you were sunk.

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