Thursday 21 June 2018

Birthdays; Homework and Babies.

It just so happened that Allan's wife had been pregnant and Allan and Fumiko had to be pulled back into the family fold. Thus the whole family was present when Allan's daughter aged up from baby-blanket burrito to crawling rugrat. Needless to say, she turned into a cute little one.

Tatsuyoshi decided to make use of the ice-rink.

Fumiko did the diligent mom thing and taught her little one how to walk...and talk...adn all that stuff.

Meanwhile Haruo decided that he was going to go fish for a while. I guess being "Gramps" was starting to get to him mentally.

Also he wanted to try his hand at consigning some of the large spacerocks and spire-cut gemstones that he had in his inventory. With a certain cutting machine (it's custom content at MTS) in his inventory, he was able to cut gemstones to whatever shape was required so that he could get maximum value for the gemstone in question.

Brianna tutored young Jerad with his homework. After all, family helps family and Jerad was in need of some assistance (Jerad is Caitlin McIrish-Chikamori's boy) to get a decent grade in class. Brianna was a high-school teacher now and well on her way to making department head very soon.

When she was done tutoring him, she gave Jerad a big hug and told him to study hard before she headed home.

It was just about at this point that Greta realized that she was in labour and Braden certainly didn't take it well - he freaked out. For heaven's her a taxi and get your rear to the hospital to be with her, Braden.

It was a while later, but well, Greta emerged from the hospital with a baby in her arms. Welcome to this topsy-turvy existence, Karina Johansson-Chikamori. least once they hit school-age; Allan and Fumiko could move out with their now school-age child and resume living on their own and Haruo and River could revel in their role as grandparents. At least if Haruo took the fact that he was now a grandparent a lot better than he currently was. He was in a state of shell-shock.

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