Thursday 25 January 2018

Back to the Daily Grind.

Next morning, the kids were all happy to see Mom and Dad home from university, but still, it was a school day, so true reunions would have to wait until after school. Naturally the children were disappointed by that, but as their parents had so effectively demonstrated, the kids knew that school was important and even a reunion would have to wait until after-school.

...and eventually things settled back down to the point where it seemed to the children that their parents had never left for university. The same old grind of having to make money and pay the bills presented itself. And the kids pitched in to help as well. It was an all-out family effort.

But with only five bedrooms, six if you counted the upstairs suite for themselves, Haruo and River were finding that the house that they had built was just not as convenient as when they first moved in. And frankly it needed an upgrade down the road. But until then, they would just deal with the tight quarters.

River sold yet another painting which paid off the taxes.

...and Haruo pitched in with a painting sale that brought in at least about §9,000 which helped add a bit to the coffers.

River, for what reason, I have no idea, decided to sketch outside in the snow...nearly freezing her cute little tush off.

Haruo, on the other hand, decided to stay warm and paint inside.

But then decided...that to prevent his wife from collapsing from hypothermia, that he would go outside and entice her to come in the house.

Needless to say: That worked splendidly... worked well...and both were extremely satisfied at the end of it...

After shower was dinner...and both had certainly worked up an appetite for food after that bit of shower woohoo...

The next morning brought a little bit of a bout of sniffles to Haruo...and so he headed off to the doctor to see if he could get a flu-shot so that he could prevent himself from coming down with the Pan-Asian flu...that seemed to be going around Riverview. It wasn't something to mess with...

River had created herself a nice little gallery for the works that she and her husband was relatively small in comparison to those who had shops in the city...

...and of course, Haruo did the per usual. His life-time wish had changed to five-star he decided to get a job (at Level 9 of course since he had already mastered cooking - becoming a 5-star chef would just be a matter of time...and career influence, plus the Minus One Kelvin Refridgerator was an added plus) at the Bistro.

What a welcome home. Back to the daily grind.

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