Thursday 4 January 2018

Molly's Disgruntlement

The nice thing about having soil rugs was the ability to transplant plants inside the house during the winter...of course having a greenhouse outside also allowed the Chikamoris to be able to grow stuff during winter time as well, so nothing went dormant...

...and apparently tiberium dust also grew well on soil rugs.

It was dinner and off-to-bed for the children due to the fact that there was school the next day.

Haruo got a late-night call from the Bistro asking him to deliver some paintings.

And then of course he ran into the Bagleys who had commissioned him to paint something for them. Well, he definitely got to talk face to face with the matriarch of that family, being paid by Ma Bagley.

...then it was time to go home again and create some more paintings.

Meanwhile Molly, also being sore about the fact that the time-machine was left in Sunset Valley...ranted at the pool-side slide, which didn't deserve to be yelled at. What did it do? And on top of that to do it in a bikini...outside in the snow...she's going to be freezing her assets off.

Evidently Molly's unhappiness extended to being forced to live in Riverview which ended up with her storming down to City Hall and ranting about taxes.

Constance Shelley was appalled...mind you, this rather pointless display of vulgarity. Well, that's the way the cookie crumbles...get used to it.

Then Molly went one step further and decided that to show her appreciation for being uprooted, she'd "decorate" City Hall... Well...that didn't go over well...

It certainly wasn't what Haruo and River were expecting, to see Riverview's finest pulling up in a black and white and dropping off a rather less-than-penitent Molly. That's a great example that you're setting for your kids, Molly.

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