Thursday 18 January 2018

Study, Study and More Study

Haruo and River had stored the Murphy Bed (that thing claims victims...rather easily) and replaced it with a bed of their own...that didn't fold up. Yes, certainly it made the room more cramped, but at least they wouldn't be having to worry about their bed falling out on top of them and meeting Grim too soon. But even so, mornings were always too early.

Haruo went into the kitchen to make breakfast so that everyone could eat since most of the dorm-mates couldn't cook to save their own life and were more interested in woohooing and parties. Haruo and River were more interested in studying and getting good grades.

Dorm Living when others played loud music and had raucous parties was not conducive to studying in the slightest. Three days in and Haruo and River were looking for alternatives...up to and including finding a different place to live, buying it and just moving in. (have to utilize visit house with...command). Next semester, he and River will buy a house to live in...

Then it was a frantic rush to classes.

The campus was a large one as campuses go but it was well-designed in that it didn't take them long to get where they wanted to go. The trees were in beautiful color due to the cold snap and there was talk of snow shortly.

When Haruo got home from classes he headed directly to the oven to cook dinner for the rest of the relentless party animals so they wouldn't starve to death. How magnanimous... I mean...if Haruo is going to cook for them, then they should be more conscientious and provide a little quiet so he and River could study. Right? Ungrateful little sim-snots.

Night fell over the university campus and well, parties were in full swing all over campus...regardless of whether they had a school day next day. Well, I guess university is for partying and living life. I wouldn't know, I had an asian tiger-mom breathing fire down my neck.

...and so River and Haruo went to sleep dreaming about pencils and oils.

Yes, scintellating stuff, I know...but when you want to get the highest marks possible in school, well, you have to study to the point where you're dreaming this stuff in your sleep.

Since Thursday was an activity day in Fine Arts class, Haruo asked River if she would pose for him...since he was doing a study on drawing the nude physical form...and of course...she acquiesced, since it was her husband asking.

The activity class administered by Ms. Noetal was dry...though it was wet outside. The class got drenched.

River got in some education-training by teaching a class on guitar-playing, which well, a lot of the class were attentive. And frankly quite a few of the class were class-mates of theirs, who after class, insisted that River should be the Fine Arts professor since her class appeared to be more interesting than Madeleine Noetal's class which frankly put the majority of the class to sleep. And to top it all off, Haruo and River found themselves a home where they could actually lay their head and study, so they moved themselves (technically they were still there, but had just visited their bought that they could visit that home and sleep there, but they were still classified as being dorm-students - and all things considered...the rest of their dorm-mates didn't even notice they were gone).

So ended Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the first week...

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