Monday 22 January 2018

Whole Lotta Study Goin' On...

That evening involved a lot of studying. After dinner, Haruo and River went up to bed and discussed the afternoon's events going over key points that they had learned and would consider would be on finals.

Haruo promptly got a wish to create some wall-art and got told off by the police officer for graffiti'ing the inside of his own house. Wow, what a surprise there. Darned campus cops...

Wednesday was regular class day...and it started at ten. And because of the darned cop...he was nearly late for class...

Class was basic review of all the concepts learned and an overview before exam-time on Friday.

...and of course a good-luck rainbow appeared over the University World.

...for a long while before it faded...

It was a cold afternoon when River finally got out of class and of course the statue of the First Dean of Students of the University essentially was covered in snow.

Since it was cold, River made her way to her and her husband's favorite cafeteria and enjoyed a brownie. I think the proprietor knew now to keep brownies available.

In two days (which would be Friday) was final exams , Haruo and River decided that frankly they'd better pull an all-nighter because of the fact that they wanted nothing more than to graduate with full honors on their second term (Mind you this was their first term here, but they were looking at full marks for the future term as well and well, what is better than to graduate with honors after their second term?)

Of course Thursday, the following day, was a Fine Arts Activity day, they got to study until such time as they had to leave for the class.

...where they got to sit on their butts in the snow and freeze their plums off (at least those who had poor Haruo...give a whole new meaning to blue...


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