Colin Johansson-Chikamori was a bright young toddler who appeared to be very tactile as far as learning things was concerned. He worked on his blocks (presumably for handiness) and xylophone (for music). And he spent a lot of time with them too. At least he was learning something and that fact reassured Colin's parents.
While Braden tended to the laundry, poor Greta had potty cleanup duty. Needless to say, Greta wasn't too impressed at having to do the potty cleanup. After all, despite the fact that laundry was a lot more laborious; it didn't make her want to vomit up her breakfast due to the odor.
And if she didn't already know what she was feeding Colin; she would have thought that he'd been eating stuff that was listed on the World Health Organization's list of biological weapons because man, what came out his hind end could incapacitate a whale (and whales are reputedly without olfactory organs)
After bringing Colin over to his xylophone to play some more, she went over and started doing some writing on the computer. After all, she did need to work on a political memoir.
Haruo and River worked on their paintings.
...while Braden fed Colin.
Then Colin was brought back upstairs and plunked down in front of the xylophone again so that he could smack it with the mallet and make all sorts of sounds that amused him to no end.
Greta continued her political memoir and got a few more simoleons as a result of sending in some more of her chapters. She was sure that it would be a hit for those up and coming political staffers who wanted to know what it was like to play the political game.
Haruo on the other hand went down to go take care of some space rock blocks, however he found out that breaking space rocks after a long hiatus was probably NOT the best thing to start off with so he went back to breaking concrete blocks.
Evidently he had much better luck with THOSE blocks.