Thursday 16 August 2018

Haruo's Baby Girl Leaves the Nest

Morning brought a little amorous affection between the two founders: River and Haruo never missed a chance to enjoy a little personal time. Many years of marriage had only heightened their love for one another and they let each other know that they meant the world to each other. After all, who would be there for one another when the chips were down.

Haruo, afterwards, headed off to the consignment store to discuss some drop-offs with the consignment store owner. With a net worth of over §79M simoleons, the Chikamoris really didn't need to worry about their finances, but well, it provided some extra money to sell off certain items and well, they certainly needed to considering how much Haruo was carrying around in his personal inventory.

Brianna, now having had her baby was able to get back to the martial arts practice, which meant that she was now able to break space-rocks: yeah, it's hard on the hands, but it sure toughens them up.

Yasunobu decided that he was going to go downstairs and invent something.

The wild horses were down by the beach again.

...and it was time for dinner: time flew rapidly during the course of the day as there was a lot of things to do.

It seemed as though Greta had been a bit frisky and well, Braden looked pleased as punch with the result.

Katrina didn't seem all too thrilled about the whole deal; her status as only child seemed in jeopardy, so she did her homework and ate her meal in silence.

River got a commission from the city hall to "paint the city"...and well, since she had fifteen paintings in her inventory, she headed down to the city-hall and earned herself a big chunk of simoleons. That certainly helped the family coffers. The Cape Garner Island City Hall was certainly gratified to receive those paintings, after all their walls were looking rather drab and unsightly. Perhaps, River's paintings would certainly help to brighten up the place (possibly going a long way to improving everyone's mood so that they paid their taxes promptly. See...there's always an ulterior motive...)

Greta, since she was going to be kept home for several days, decided that she would hone up on her business presentation skills since that was certainly required in politics. After all certain zoning regulations were in place that needed to be promoted and what better way to present them in a positive light.

While River was down by the city hall, she decided to head down to the park to play piano. Despite the fact that the town center was deserted (evidently people in Cape Garner Island went to work; then went immediately home...) she still managed to garner one listener; a relative. How's it goin' Tatsuyoshi?

Brianna needed to discuss some things with her father.

With Greta's growing family, Brianna had decided that now was the time that she, Katrina and Tatsuyoshi needed to find a place of their own. Haruo knew that time was coming, but he was still rather shocked that it had crept up on him so quickly. He nodded, understanding the situation, but not liking it in the least. His baby-girl was leaving the nest.

As the heir's family grew, it would not be feasible for Brianna and her family to stay within the family's walls...they had to make their own way in the world and certainly didn't make Haruo happy, but it had to be done.

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