Monday 11 December 2017

A Typical Day

Weekday mornings were usually frantic with people trying to get out of the house to get to work or school. And those who didn't work outside of the home were busy with tasks that they were supposed to be doing. Satoshi on the other hand, being a collector tended to collect when the inspiration hit versus setting up a schedule. In fact...he went over to see what was going on at the henhouse.

...and ended up getting into a major fight with Charles the Evil Chicken...that rooster is mean as heck.

It didn't take a genius to deduce that Satoshi got his rear-end kicked all over the chicken coop. It also didn't improve Satoshi's mood any either.

River was getting faster at painting and it certainly wasn't a surprise when she could finish two large paintings in a single day.

Haruo, as a painter, had the Business of Decor opportunity come up and he headed down to Doo Peas Business Tower to hand over the commissioned paintings. Doo Peas Business Tower was in good hands after Nick Alto had been killed and frankly the atmosphere there was a lot less unfriendly. People actually had smiles on their faces while working in their cubicles.

...quite possibly because they no longer had Nick breathing down their necks if they made the slightest screw-up. Screw-ups were dealt with a lot more tact. Still Haruo knew that he did not have the cubicle mentality and frankly he'd explode if he had to do a 8-3 in a cubicle. Haruo was an independent person and did not like the constraints put on him that he would have in a regular job. When he came back from dropping off the ten paintings, he started work on a new novel. There were still a few achievements in the literary field that he hadn't managed to achieve yet, so he would slowly work towards them. (Creator: After all...on an epic lifespan, he has all the time in the least until he ends up meeting Grim...)

Molly, when she wasn't at work, was hopping in and out of the time continuum. Haruo was wondering if she would end up coming back with three heads instead of one.

Allan and Briana did their homework after school, despite the fact that they didn't seem to enjoy doing homework. Oh, well...that's a part of life. Makes you smarter, kiddos. Deal with it.

River put her effort into a medium painting.

Satoshi played guitar in the bar section of the house which was right next to the gym.

And Molly decided to put in some exercise and nearly missed work.

And finally...when Satoshi got bored of playing guitar upstairs, he decided that he would go "visit the past" in the time machine. Probably visited Custer Ridge. Silly Sim.

Great going, Satoshi...way to tick off the natives.

Good going... :rolleyes:

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