Monday 18 December 2017

Recreation Time

When the Sim-Chikamoris are asleep, the Creator likes to take a stroll around the town to see the sights. I have no idea why He chooses to go to the graveyard, but the cemetery appears to be nice...quiet and peaceful. At least it had better be. It would certainly not be peaceful if the graveyard was active. I don't think the living would appreciate it much either.

Looking at Specters Mausoleum in the cold winter snow was a photographer's dream. Well, for a photographer who had a penchant for the macabre.

Satoshi ate breakfast that morning and then went out hunting for gemstones and metals. And frankly it was something that he needed to do.

River's morning routine wasn't much changed other than getting up, eating breakfast and painting. It was a comfortable routine and she knew that she was making money enough to support the entire family and it was something that she enjoyed doing.

Haruo worked at his painting skill. He was the first to achieve his life-time wish as his lifetime wish involved mastering the writing skill as well as the painting skill. And as such, his time was split between the computer and the easel, both of which kept him happy. However as of late, he was concentrating on his painting skill which was of prime importance. WIth two painters producing high-quality paintings in the household, it would mean that each time they produced a commissioned painting, they would end up making enough simoleons to pay bills.

Satoshi, after freezing his tail-end off looking through the snow for gemstones, came home and headed up to the gym to work on his oft-neglected martial arts skills. At least it was something that interested him when he wasn't flirting with his wife. His party-animal trait tended to override his penchant for being a collector...and he was thus unemployed.

Molly on the other hand, when she wasn't reciprocating the flirts from her husband, spent a lot of time in the hot tub trying to take on the skin consistency of a prune. Her career seemed to be "levelling out" at Chef de Cuisine at the local Bistro and it seemed like she was getting "nowhere fast". So whether lazing around the house and spending time in the hot-tub was a solace to an injured soul or just not actually caring about the direction of her career, was something only Molly knew and she wasn't talking.

Haruo ate breakfast or lunch; it wasn't certain which as all of the sims meals ran together and frankly, they were lucky if they ate meals once a day. While her father ate, Alanna spent time shoving square pegs into round holes or at least trying to.

After he ate...River and Haruo got a little personal time in while Alanna was busy playing with the blocks. Needless to say, they both came out happier than they went in. "Ohhhhh...flarkle..."..."oh my..." :neutral:

Toshiyuki, on the other hand, played with table balls.

Creator: "Yeah...I'm not going there..."

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