Monday 18 December 2017

Toshiyuki's Busy Day

Toshiyuki was quite busy with sculpting. In fact he was focussing so much on sculpting that he didn't have much time for anything else...and thus he wasn't getting much in the way of painting or inventing done and he did have to master the inventing skill.

The SUV that Toshiyuki had was definitely good at handling the snow, unlike Haruo's Margarite Vaguester which required a skilled hand and a deft touch to the steering wheel. The sportscar certainly did not like black ice but the 4WD on the Tofunda Wagon barely uttered a protest as Toshiyuki handled everything that the icy streets could throw at him. He did make it safely to the City Hall where he handed over his sculpture to the buyer.

A second call from another buyer while he was out ended up coming from the bar up on the hill opposite to the one where the Chikamoris lived.

...and yet another sale was recording in the books for Toshiyuki and just as he exited the bar, a third call asked for a painting at Hogan's Diner.

Toshiyuki was exceedingly happy as these sales were bringing in money.

...and that certainly helped the family keep their roof over their head.

As it stood, the Chikamoris were getting a little low on fresh fruits and vegetables so Toshiyuki took it upon himself to get some. Also while he was there, he noticed the lotto machine and bought himself a lottery ticket too (nope, he didn't win anything).

In the meantime, the Chikamori kids did homework. Nope...they didn't like it either...but c'est la vie. Haruo was not in the slightest bit inclined to let homework slide. That came from his mother who never ceased making life miserable for him as a teenager insofar as homework was concerned. Time to pass the favor along.

Meanwhile; Haruo and River enjoyed some "extracurricular" activity of their own. Sim-Borat says: "Smexy time...yes?" :D

Evidently that tuckered them out so much that they went to sleep.

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