Saturday 2 December 2017

Stille Nacht

While the Chikamori family was sleeping the Creator took the opportunity to take a look from upon high on his creation. It was beautiful amidst the falling snow. The lake had frozen over and everything was covered in white from the ground to the branches of the trees and the rooftops. This was winter come to Sunset Valley and everything was quiet.

It appeared as though the snow-plows were keeping the streets clear but the amount of new-fallen snow made it seem as though they rarely passed by.

Even the chickens were quiet in their little coop, preferring to ruffle up their feathers and tuck their heads in so that they were at least protected from the cold.

The Living Room held a Snow Day tree...which was festooned with ornaments and lights as well as presents under the tree. As everyone was asleep, the tree was dark, but as soon as the family awoke, the tree would be turned on.

In the yard there were three lighted Snow Day trees that were decorated with lights. One small, one medium and one large...and the small holiday lights lit up the yard with little pinpoints of colored light. That made for a wonderful holiday atmosphere.

In the backyard there were two more Snow Day trees decorated with Snow Day lights on either side of each ninety degree bend in the fence where the hot-tub was placed.

Fiona McIrish was an early riser and she proceeded to read a book downstairs at the dining room table.

The front yard was fenced in but one could see the holiday lights through the private gate where only access allowable was by virtue of the com-box to the side of the gate, which usually meant that unless you were family or very close friends of the Chikamoris or were actually invited to an event at the residence, there was no way that you were getting in.

Things were also extremely quiet at the graveyard amidst the falling snow that settled neatly into drifts along the fenceline. It added a rather spooky feel to that graveyard.

The street looking towards the Bistro wasn't any better in terms of people utilizing it. After all it was only four in the morning and nobody was really active unless they were real night-owls.

Looking across at Central Park, one could only see one solitary person utilizing the half-pipe there.

And frankly, the Creator has absolutely no idea how someone can snowboard with a hockeystick. Must be a Canadian thing.

Eventually, the rest of the family woke up and had breakfast. Haruo sat down in the living room and read a recipe book. Yasunobu ate egg-rolls and the others had their breakfast so that they could all get their day started.

Even the falling snow hadn't obscured Satoshi's snow angel that he had made yesterday.

And Satoshi was in the dining room strumming a guitar to increase his musical skill while in his tidy whities.

...and that was how the morning started for the Chikamori family.

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