Friday 15 December 2017

Learning New Things

It wasn't long before Alanna was learning her skills. Haruo taught Alanna how to talk and that was something that she picked up on very quickly. The rest of the family partook of the cake while Haruo and his daughter sat cross-legged on the floor chattering.

River rolled a wish to teach Alanna how to walk...and like a fish to water, Alanna took to the skill; toddling her way over to River and thus taking her first steps in a bigger world. Plus it also saved the parents from having to replace sleepers from holes in the knee and rug-burns.

Haruo had learned a new top-level recipe and he decided to make stuffed turkey. Especially for the holiday season.

While Molly sat down and read a book.

For Alanna, potty training and playing with blocks was on the learning timetable as well. She was going to be well-educated by the time she aged up to child.

River placed Alanna in the high-chair when Alanna gave indications that she was quite famished...and provided her with a somewhat interesting bowl of slop (what the Creator calls that gruesome bowl of baby food...that the kid proceeds to eat with their hands) which makes a goddawful mess.

In turn, Haruo got Alanna out of the high-chair once she had finished with her meal and had proceeded to decorate the carpet with the rest of the contents that she couldn't finish. least the stuff disappears and doesn't involve having to clean up the mess with the rug-shampooer (if they even have that sort of thing in Sims 3 CC. :p )


He got his heinie kicked by Charles the Evil Chicken again. Some Sims never learn.

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