Monday 18 December 2017

Alanna's Aging Up Day

It seemed like forever, yet it only seemed like yesterday. Alanna was all done with her training and learning new skills. Now it was time for her to age up into a child.

Her party started with Haruo bringing her downstairs to wait for the rest of the family to join them at the kitchen table.

What a cacophany of noisemakers and cheering. It was just amazing that Alanna wasn't frightened of all the noise and revelry. However, she didn't get frightened and the cheering went on for quite some time as everyone was excited to see Alanna age up to child.

Haruo placed her on the ground and waited for the transformation to occur which appears to take a long time in Sims chronology; In fact they stand there for a while staring at the birthday girl and it seems like they aren't doing anything. happened.

Alanna kept her gorgeous red hair which definitely came in at a shade equal to her grandmother Fiona's locks.

...which she chose to wear in a gorgeous wave of gentle curls.

The Chikamori family chose to hold Alanna's aging up party in the late afternoon as it allowed more of their family to be there. And plus aging up was a private thing for children. Perhaps the aging up parties for children aging up to teens would probably have invited outsiders, but for toddlers to children; that was a family moment.

After the aging up party for appeared that a lot of the family were tired and made their way to sleep, including River and Haruo.

...and Toshiyuki made a start on his topiary...which he would sell...eventually.

The sky had no shortage of snow to dump on Sunset Valley and it snowed...heavily...

...and snowed...

...and snowed...

...leaving a monumental pile of snow on Haruo's military collection in what used to be the old Alto's residence.

Toshiyuki got his second wind early that morning and proceeded to finish off his topiary.

Haruo ate breakfast upstairs...

And Susan read a book downstairs in the living room.

Meanwhile, Molly decided that taking a trip through time would be the best way to stave off depression...and dove into the time.

Considering all the stuff that happens with that time-machine Yasunobu is considering selling off that thing.

Toshiyuki started yet another topiary.

...and the chickens were wondering if and when they were going to get their next meal.

Just another day in the life of the Chikamori family...

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