Wednesday 22 November 2017

Allan Ages Up

Allan was a lovely little baby, who rarely ever fussed if at all. And River and Haruo did whatever they could to keep him that way. Feedings were done on time, making sure that he did what he needed to do, diaper changes...the whole nine yards.

River adored Allan and cradled him every chance that she got. But all too soon, it was time for him to age up.

This called for a family party where the seven members of the Chikamori family got together upstairs in River's and Haruo's suite and celebrated Allan's aging up to toddler.

After blowing out the candles, Haruo set Allan down on the floor and he transformed into a toddler. Isn't this so much more cool than stretching bones and growing pains?

Well, Allan aged up into a cute little toddler with a brush cut and like his mother ended up with red hair...which would later darken to a reddish-brown. He seemed pretty happy about the whole aging up process...and then started rooting for nasal-nuggets - EWWWWW!!!!

Allan immediately gravitated towards the glockenspiel where he started pounding on it with the little hammers which made for an incredible noise.

But best of all, Allan loved Grandpa and Yasunobu loved his grandson. Grandpa gave good snuggles...

...and best of all, Grandpa played "the Claw..." ooooh...the's gonna get you. Allan...

...and Yasunobu fed Allan with some home-made food pureed so that Allan could eat it.

If there is one thing that concerns new parents, is the task of taking care of children, but being able to keep their romantic relationship alive. The nice thing about having extended family in the same household was being able to call on their own parents for help and Fiona and Yasunobu were more than happy to help River and Haruo take care of their children, because that meant that Fiona and Yasunobu were able to spend time with their grandchild.

It also meant that...Haruo and River...could work on their relationship

...and get busy on making Baby Number Two.

Ah...c'est l'amour.

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