Saturday 18 November 2017

Annoying Pregnancy Side-Effects and Annoying Phonecalls.

Sunset Valley's cold snap made the whole town sparkle in the moonlight. Frost covered practically every inch of the ground. And it was gorgeous...and cold. Cold enough to make one's teeth chatter like castanets. But the clear sky and the ever-present moon made the hoarfrost glitter like diamonds as the moonlight reflected off the blades of grass.

River answered her insistently ringing cell-phone. She was not impressed; if Nokias weren't indestructable she would have gladly pitched the phone off the fifth floor balcony. was and she didn't.

"Do you know what time of the night it is? Really? You want me to go on a date with YOU? Are you flippin' kidding me, Gus? I'm fifteen years younger than you. On top of that I'm married and have a kid on the way. Do you know what my husband would do to you? Oh...that's inappropriate and no...not even when hel freezes over. Goodnight! Don't call here again."

River was not the least bit impressed.

River's husband, Haruo, had gone out to pick up some of the rocks that had spawned during the day, Tanzanite and Luminorious gems, so River stared out the window contemplating on how to make her husband desire her...

...which wasn't hard to accomplish.

"Like what you see?" purred River as she heard their bedroom door open and Haruo walked in.

Oh yeah... :D

Next morning, Toshiyuki went over to see Emma Hatch about a painting that she had commissioned from him. He earned almost §5K from that painting alone.

Then considering that he was famished he headed directly over to Hogan's Diner for their breakfast menu.

Susan was nearly late for work as she had underestimated the amount of time she would need to get ready. After all, nothing said mornings like a mad dash for the car, timing oneself if they had enough time to commute to work before early morning clock-in.

Molly ate breakfast which meant a major cleanup of the dining room table afterwards - Molly didn't - confounded slob.

River painted until she got the urge to read a baby book.

Molly headed to work at the Bistro in the early afternoon utilizing Susan's Big Lemon.

Fiona after getting home from work that Friday afternoon headed to her room that she shared with Toshiyuki and wanted to write a novel, however the computer's internals were fried and she had to fix it first.

River had the urge to nest and ordered herself a rocking chair which was put in the area of the living room with the concert grand piano that Haruo used to practice Bach on. Then after rocking her amniotic fluid so the little one wouldn't squirm, she went over to the kitchenette to grab a bite to eat - it was nice having a kitchenette as it certainly would make life easier when having kids because they would not have to deal with walking down several flights of stairs just to go to the main kitchen for food (interesting that fridges all seemed to be linked and teleport the food to whatever fridge they open - has anyone found a mod to separate fridges and have each have their own individual food? Probably coding doesn't allow that).

Haruo having achieved Level 10 Mastery in Painting as well was starting to see his paintings gain value. So he started painting a lot more too.

Satoshi started a book on fishing.

Nesting urges prompted River to go down to the main kitchen and clean up Molly's mess - River wasn't impressed in the slightest, considering that she was now showing and started the pregnancy waddle - walking around with a maternal belly distended was uncomfortable as heck and River was irritable - she felt unattractive even though Haruo kept reassuring her that she was absolutely beautiful and radiant. She told him he was blind.

Coming along with those hormonal urges was the desire to woohoo...her libido went up by 10. Yes, biology 101, kiddies.

Haruo had no complaints whatsoever when River jumped him in the shower. Didn't think any red-blooded male would either.

In an inopportune moment, River got yet another phone-call just as she got out of the shower with her husband.

"Good God, Parker, do you know just exactly what time of night it is? WHAT? YOU...want me to go on a date with YOU? You turned me down in high-school...secondly, you were at my WEDDING to my beloved. Are you kidding me? No, Parker, I wouldn't go out with you if you were the last person on earth. Good night, Parker."

~click~ dialtone.

"You know I love...YOU...right?"

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