Wednesday 22 November 2017

Here We Go Again

Yasunobu was no slouch in the "getting asked for dates" department either. Evidently the Tramp of Sunset Valley, since she couldn't set her sights on Haruo, decided that she would call Yasunobu to see if he would go on a date with her. Yasunobu turned her down flat. No, Jamie Jolina-Frio, Connor's wife, you aren't going to get an affirmative answer on your date-request trying to call him at one in the morning, or five or noon...or any times in between those times. Try NEVER.

It took Yasunobu one point zero two seconds to go from zero to ticked off.

"Do you even...know...what is?"(insert generic Asian accent) "Are you freakin' crazy or something...You wake up my fiancee, she scream your ear off..."

At least for River and Haruo, they knew that Alan, now being a toddler would sleep through the majority of the night. And it made for a nice quiet sleep.

In the morning Haruo paid the bills and fielded a phone call from Mrs. Gus O'Malley-Hart, who had decided that Gus was such a disgusting slob that she wanted out of her marriage. "No, Mrs. Hart, please do me a favour and take my name off your rolodex, because I'm not available at all. Just where do you come up with your names of potential hookups? Are you working at the DMV?"

"God in Heaven, I need to get myself an unlisted number..."

In the interim, River was having problems of her own. In the midst of having to feed Alan or (Thing 1)... was very clear that her bit of woohoo with Haruo had managed to create Thing 2.

She definitely knew from the stomach upset that it wasn't the smell of Alan's pureed food that caused her to want to throw up.

Nope, it wasn't ANY better than the last time.

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