Friday 24 November 2017

Allan's Birthday Party

Coming home from the hospital, they quickly retired to their room, getting Allan from the painting room, where he was happily asleep in his crib and placing him in the crib in the bedroom, where he promptly fell asleep. Braden was exhausted from his birth and fell asleep just as quickly.

...and Haruo and River went to sleep too. River was absolutely exhausted from pushing out Braden and a labour that had gone on for at least six hours (which is short for Sims and even more so for real life; my wife's first birth started at 7AM and went on till 8:45 at night before our first son was delivered.

And it just so happened that Braden's birth happened on the day before Allan was scheduled to age up to child. So...the next morning, Allan was able to have his birthday party.

Haruo set him on the floor and he aged up to a child.

He ended up with red hair and green eyes, like his mother, but his eyes were shaped like his dad.

Since everyone else had things to do, it was just Allan and his parents partaking of the cake.

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