Thursday 23 November 2017

Deflecting Nuisance Calls and Giving Birth to Braden

A pre-sleep ritual for Haruo and River was to spend time together in the shower...and that's probably one of the reasons why River got pregnant again. They really need to have some time between little ones.

When they were sufficiently relaxed, River brought Allan into the bedroom and put him in his crib.

...and everybody went to sleep...

Morning saw Allan still asleep which was a relief for Haruo and River as that meant that they could sleep in some too before having to get up to start a new day. There was nothing like waking up with the arms of the one you love around you. And being under the covers was comfortably warm when the weather started getting colder.

Being warm, under the covers, made it really hard to get up, mainly because one didn't want to. But eventually one has to. River made the bed while Haruo got Allan up for the morning. It was getting harder for River to bend over because of her protruding baby-belly.

Allan went ahead and crawled to the block box when he was put down on the ground.

Yet another nuisance date-call.

Haruo went back to painting.

"Oh, hello, Connor, what can I do for you? Excuse me? My impression was that you were a happily married man. Am I wrong in assuming that? Because, Mr. Frio, I happen to be very happily married and not inclined to wander."

~mutterings from telephone receiver~

"I'm sorry, Mr. Frio, No I am not interested in dating you, nor anyone else, other than my husband, for that matter..."

"Look Mr. Frio, I don't mean to be rude, but frankly, you are the sixth caller in the past three days and frankly, I don't know what is up with Sunset Valley, whether they're all going through the seven year itch, but frankly, I don't intend to break up at any point with my husband and I'm happily married. And frankly these calls are starting to brass my tacks, if you get my meaning?"

~more mutterings from the phone receiver~

"Oh...really, Mr. Frio, now you're really starting to get me annoyed. Oh, you think you're such a catch? Well, then tell me, how come if you're such a catch, your marriage to Jamie Jolina-Frio is disintegrating? And you feel as though that gives you the license to wander."

~loud mutterings from phone receiver~

"Well, that certainly isn't my problem, is it?"

"Oh,'re going to comment about my husband's ~what?~ Well, that's none of your business. In any case shouldn't you be more worried about your disintegrating marriage to the Tramp of Sunset Valley instead of worrying about MY husband's you-know-what and what he does with it which by the way, is none of your ~bleeping~ business. You know what, Connor, how about you go take your proclivities out on the nearest meat grinder, that will solve your problems in one fell swoop. Now I'd suggest you get off the phone, stick your you know what in the nearest beehive and get stung. I highly suggest you don't call here again or I will let my husband know just exactly what you said and have him have a discussion with you about your propensity to put your mind in the gutter and I presume that you'll have a nice talk with my husband's father's fiancee about the injuries that you sustain. Then I will sue you for sexual harassment. That sink in, Connor. Do not call here again. Good day to you."

Hearing his beloved wife's spirited defense of him, Haruo was incredibly aroused by his wife's fiery temper. "He really went there?" Haruo grinned at River.

River nodded, still rather angered at Connor, but the kiss from Haruo went a long way to getting rid of that. Aroused, herself, River nodded towards the shower. "Care to come in with me while the little sprout's asleep?

Haruo: "So, Connor was commenting on size?"

River: "Yeah, he made an oblique reference to it and Asians...that really offended me...because you're not what he thinks...not by any stretch of the, I don't want to talk about Connor any about you show much you love me..."

Haruo: "...oh...yeah..."

River: "oh...yes..."

Thoroughly relaxed after the shower, she headed back to the easel to paint. The pregnancy waddle was quite pronounced, meaning that there wasn't a whole lot of time left before the baby was to arrive.

It seemed as though Susan, Haruo's father's fiancee, somewhat knew in advance that there might be a chance that she could get called down to hospital...

Haruo did some cooking...just to make sure that there was stuff to eat. He was the sole advanced cook in the household now that Molly and Satoshi had moved out.

There is a reason why Asian households have their extended family within their immediate household. Because if your wife goes into labour...there's someone there to watch the kids while you make a mad rush to the hospital and it was no different for Haruo and River. When River went into labour again, both Fiona and Yasunobu were there to watch Allan.

The incessant squeezing pain of the contractions just about made River cross her eyes. "Tell me why I think pain like this is worth it in the end?" she groaned. "There's a wonderful little baby at the end of all this...but...dammit...right now, I don't know if I love you for giving me this baby...or I hate your guts for making me go through this pain again..." Haruo once again feared for his personal safety.

Sims are a strange River headed into the hospital; the sims congregating near the door went nuts.

Haruo joined her later...for the birthing and when they made sure that the baby was ok to travel, River and Haruo headed home.

Welcome, Braden to the family.

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