Sunday 19 November 2017


They say that any sort of "play" stimulates the body and promotes contractions...well...that pretty much did it...just as they were getting ready to head for happened.

River...went into labour...

And Haruo lost his mind. Oh for pete's sake, your wife is in labour, it's not the end of the world. Shut up and get the car! Idjit! At least RL Haruo didn't go into hysterics when HIS RL wife's water broke, he calmly grabbed the suitcase, threw it in the car, and then calmly loaded his wife into the vehicle and drove to the hospital. You're embarrasing me, Sim-Haruo! ~facepalm~ and I'll have you know that it happened on three different occasions too...and none of them, did I go completely fruitloops mentally. Grow a pair!

For River, never having experienced childbirth before, the labour pains were excruciating. At several points, she swore up and down that Haruo was never, ever touching her again and that she would rip it off so that he wouldn't ever do that to her again.

Frankly it made Haruo wonder about his personal safety. But all of that vanished when River held her newborn in her arms: their baby boy, Allan.

Her first concern was to get Allan home and out of the cold.

They took a cab home.

Allan started to fuss because he was hungry so River fed him a bottle until they could get inside the house.

Birthing is stressful on both the mother and the newborn so River cuddled her baby boy and then put him into the crib to sleep.

Haruo thought it might be a good idea to get a second crib so that they could be close to the baby while still being able to paint and write. At least Allan would be within easy reach if he started fussing.

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