Wednesday 29 November 2017

The Last Day of Fall

Ah, mornings; the crisp clean air, the hint of a bite of cold and the hint of snow in the air. The days were ticking down to the end of fall and the start of winter. And winter by no stretch of the imagination was the Creator's favorite season of the year (quite probably because in RL, it doesn't snow very much where the Creator lives...~sigh~)

Toshiyuki was up early and went over to see Satoshi and his wife with a painting that Satoshi had commissioned. And they had a good conversation regarding the cold and how it was affecting Satoshi's ability to fish for a living. Perhaps it was a better choice to find another occupation as winter-time had a nasty effect on the earning capabilities of fishermen unless they were to fish in open water. Perhaps Satoshi just needed to fish on the beach, as salt water rarely ever froze - it never got cold enough for that (the freezing temperature of water was 28.4F (-21.1°C) - in other words, extremely bleepin' cold) water to freeze. (And that folks, is the main reason why one should put a Salt-water marker on your freshwater that you can cheat your way to fishing greatness - it should never freeze with a saltwater indicator - a Sims 3 tip from Cheaty McCheaterson)

Yasunobu was in the home gym improving his fitness on the weight machine. One of the nice things about being financially well-off was the ability to have things in quantities that allowed for creating a veritable paradise for oneself. And Yasunobu enjoyed having the ability to be able to go to the "gym" in his own home anytime he wanted because he really was an insular Sim, his focus being on his garden and his martial arts. Which matched really nicely with Susan, who was an introvert Sim as well.

Fiona was also an early-riser in that she needed to fix her laptop which was throwing off sparks and a lot of smoke. Yep, it definitely was busted. Anyhow she set about fixing it, and with her having mastered her handiness skill, it was definitely no problem; no fear of getting electrocuted.

In comparison to the rest of the household, Haruo and River were late-risers, waking up at about 6:30AM. However River had a day of teaching young Braden how to talk, which would take even more time, now that she was interrupted by a call - evidently it was a telemarketer - Some guy was calling to see if River was interested in upping her fitness level. - "Sorry, but I have a 2 year old that needs to start talking...I'm busy right now..."

Allan was a cinch to teach in terms of getting him to talk; Braden on the other hand was a bit of a pain. He'd generally stare at his mother with an upraised eyebrow as if he was more interested in seeing River make a fool out of herself, which didn't make River feel all that accomplished.

But eventually the little snot got the hang of it, which made River feel a lot happier.

It was about at this point that Yasunobu's sister-in-law and Satoshi's wife, Molly Chikamori, came over with Sandi French (who hadn't changed her name over) for a play date with Allan.

Despite the independence of living in a home separate from the family, it seemed as though Satoshi's family was falling on hard times and Satoshi was too proud to ask for help from his family - the late Vita Alto would have used him as a pawn to get her slimy hands on the Chikamori finances. And they weren't sure if Nick was any better, even though as most people noticed he had escaped the usual run of the mill assassins. Although his days were numbered he was still running his own little racket of loan-sharking small loans and Satoshi was ripe to take out one of those to the entire family's detriment - because Nick would demand a co-signer and guess who would be on the hook if Satoshi defaulted because he couldn't pay his bills. Yasunobu told Molly that his door was open to them...and that they should move right back in. It would be much safer that way. Molly thanked him and dropped off Sandi who played with Allan until dark - mostly playing tag.

Braden had learned how to walk by this time and was tottering around the upstairs suite.

And River got yet another nuisance date call.


unintelligible mumbling...

"Gus? Is that you?"

"No...Gus, I'm not interested in taking hot showers with you until three in the morning...Ewwww, that's disgusting...however I can ask my husband, which you conveniently forgot about - he's a blackbelt by the come over and make certain that you are sufficiently relaxed and at room temperature...if you get my meaning. Now please stop calling because the next time you call, I will notify Hank Goddard and have you arrested for sexual harassment."

"Oh...thank god, he hung up"...River said audibly to a sudden click and a dialtone.

Meanwhile Haruo was potty-training Braden, a really smelly job, but well...can't have Sims pooping in their pants for the rest of their lives, right?

...and Toshiyuki was telling Sandi that it was time for her to head home before the cops decided to give her a ride home. (What is it with Sim parents never giving their kids a ride home or even picking up their kids from a play date. (Here you are kid, have fun, you're on your own to get home...?)

And that for the Chikamoris was the last day of fall because the seasons would change the very next day. (Creator: I have the seasons on a 28 day cycle each)

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