The memory was kind of hazy, but River remembered driving by after a late night drop-off of a painting to a customer and seeing her step-sister, Cait talking to a white-haired woman and River's brain kind of clicked that her stepsister had on a blue maternity shirt. Could it be that her step-sister was pregnant? It was rather hard to believe, but certainly possible.
Mornings were early and rushed especially with Fiona and Susan having to fly out the door every other morning. And with Fiona being the Leader of the Free World, it was certainly a situation where everyone tried not to get in each other's way.
Clean up around the house had to be maintained, and the Butsudan had to be kept up - it would be highly disrespectful to not keep the Butsudan in a state of perpetual cleanliness.
Luckily that day, only one person had to fly out of the get to work and that was Susan. So Fiona went downstairs and did some scientific research - science was a hobby for Fiona considering that her logic level was at 10 and she could understand concepts that made other people's heads spin. That's why Susan and Fiona got along so well. Haruo on the other hand spent some time drumming "taiko style" giving the spirits of his ancestors a major league headache due to the fact that the drumset was right in front of the Butsudan doors. Sorry, exalted ancestors.
It was just Cait's luck that she was going to go change her hairstyle when she went into labour right outside the doors of the stylist's business. She ended up having to drive herself to the hospital because well, it appeared that Masatoshi was at work.
Well, she had her kids at the hospital and ended up with a bouncing baby boy and a girl (twins). The boy was named Jerad and the girl was named Simone. Whatever...the computer chose it and I'm sticking with it. Considering how financially tight they were after that...they moved back in. It just coincided with a three day leave weekend for the kids...who came back with Sandi who would have her birthday and become a young adult.
Aidan decided to become the dapper dude and grow a mustache. Dude, it looks like an anemic caterpillar.
Brianna was daddy's little girl and she showed Dad how much she missed him by giving him a hug.
But they knew that they were bound back for CFB Starch after celebrating Sandi's birthday.
Sandi's birthday party was big with all the family members there (minus the one's who had passed on to the great World in the Sky). It was bittersweet knowing that her step-father and her mother were not there to celebrate it with her, but she knew that she had a family as long as she wanted it.
River was happy to see her step-sister move in again - they needed to save their money because Cait and Masatoshi wouldn't be able to buy a bigger house (three bedroom without their family's help.
When they aged up to toddler, Cait and River took turns in teaching Cait's kids how to talk.
...and Cait and Masatoshi were gratified that their close family ties were such that they could ask for help.