Tuesday 27 March 2018

The Daily Goings On

Yasunobu, when he was not breaking space rocks and creating more gemstones for Haruo to pick up, was playing guitar...and having a grand ol' time enjoying himself.

Toshiyuki and Caeden got along famously and challenged each other to a game of chess and could usually be found hanging out in the Science Room; Toshiyuki inventing things and Caeden discovering potions.

Meanwhile on her days off, Susan Chikamori fertilized plants with freshly caught fish, working on her skills for her Mad Scientist job to keep them all up in the green.

In other parts of Riverview, Quentin caught fire again...

...and got struck by lightning. (the Watcher was bored...)

...and Toshiyuki made himself a candidate for CSIS investigation...by bombing the garbage dump (yay for det-packs). "No, investigator, I'm sorry, I had no idea that uncontrolled detonations are illegal. I was just looking for scrap."

...and the Watcher gave himself gits and shiggles by torturing Jon Lessen. "PAY YOUR CHILD SUPPORT!!!! THE WATCHER HATH SPOKEN!!!"

Meanwhile, Haruo and his Dad (Yasunobu) had a friendly game of pool. This household is stinkin' rich...they have two full-size pool-tables in the house. "HAIL TIBERIUM!!!"

...and River went off to sell another one of her paintings.

...and Toshiyuki had some more fun with det-packs. Hey, an old man has to have some fun now and again...or maybe he's just going senile and hasn't remembered that he bombed the place YESTERDAY...

In between all that insanity, River and Haruo never failed to take some time for themselves.

Ah, true love... C'est l'amour...Incroyable.

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