Friday 30 March 2018

Satoshi Delivers a Warning

After blowing up both of Grady's Junkyards, Toshiyuki went over to see his brother. After all, the both of them were close and he had taken it hard that Satoshi had pretty much went after Satoshi's wife had gone. He missed him deeply.

...and who's apparition should appear, but Satoshi himself. Evidently, he was having second thoughts about being dead.

Well, that's hasty decisions for you. "Live a LOOOONG LIFE!!! There is NOTHING DOWN THERE FOR YOUUUU!!!" he wailed...ominously to Toshiyuki, "Cherish Life...Don't make my same mistake..." Satoshi warned, in between eery sobs.

Needless to say...that un-nerved Toshiyuki immensely. "HEED MY WARNING!!!!" said Satoshi. "LIVE A FULL LIFE...before YOU PASS or there will be nothing but the VOID!!!" OK...thanks...for that warning, Satoshi... Toshiyuki nodded...shivering...and flew out of there quickly.

"Toshi? Where'd you go?"

Meanwhile at home, Haruo serenaded his wife with some piano.

...and then went down to cook a delicious meal.

...while the others shared in the repast.

...and Yasunobu worked on his guitar skills.

...and just for kicks, Haruo, River and Yasunobu went out and played an impromptu gig over at the park in front of the Bistro.

Elsewhere in Riverview...two other Sims were complaining about paying their child-support. Well...the Watcher gave them something to really complain about...

Well, the next morning, Caeden, Toshiyuki and Susan were up early and down in the science room working on their individual experiments.

...and River and Haruo were still happily asleep.

...happily, in each other's arms...

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