Friday 2 March 2018

More Edumacation

Thank goodness this was the weekend and things were relatively quiet in the Chikamori household. There wasn't much happening. Both River and Haruo were home-bodies and the kids didn't really do much other than writing books and painting for enjoyment as well as use the downstairs basement bowling alley.

Haruo got the idea to torture cats again...(yes, that's another euphemism for trying to play the violin). Surprisingly no one clapped their hands over their ears in utter agony.

Yehudi Menuhin, he ain't...

Masatoshi decided to go downstairs and work on the science research station and conduct some experiments. Hopefully he won't turn himself into a plant-sim.

It appeared that the rest of the family were having financial difficulties so Haruo and River shrugged their shoulders and told them all to move back in again.

...and Yasunobu certainly made himself at home at the concert grand piano.

Watching Grandpa play was great fun for the kids and they were happy to see Grandpa Yasunobu and Grandma Fiona in the same house again.

Haruo made himself busyin the kitchen.

...then decided to show off HIS mastery of the piano to which Yasunobu was very gratified that all the music lessons in Haruo's youth paid off, which further attracted even more attention from the kids who enjoyed watching Dad play.

Of course that would be the last for a while since River and Haruo decided that since the parental units had moved back in, that they plus Masatoshi would head back to university and get finish off the credits that they needed to graduate with a degree.

...and so packing for university, they headed off to wait for the moving van.

Would they get their degree after so much effort? Well, the university had somehow lost track of their last courses and they had to do an aptitude test before they headed off to university. Anyways, they scored high on their aptitude test and ended up in receipt of a scholarship for their efforts. they went in pursuit of higher education.

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