Saturday 3 March 2018

Where's the Teacher?

Tuesday mornings were devoted to studying, except for Masatoshi who had a morning lab but was able to study during the rest of the day. Haruo and River had a lecture later on in the afternoon, but used their computers in the morning to study their course materials. Haruo never even cracked open his texts at all during the whole semester.

When they showed up for their lecture, the lecture start time came and went with no teacher in sight. Who pays these teachers anyways? Finally Haruo got disgusted and since he had mastered Art the hard way, he went up and did the lecture that was supposed to be taught. Thank you, non-existent teacher. He should get some credits for this.

At least most of the students found it interesting. River didn't realize that her husband knew some of this stuff and found it quite enlightening if not rather annoying that he didn't partake of this information prior to this. She figured that she'd have a rather quiet talk with him about withholding information.

After intensely studying and making that knowledge meter go up...they went to bed resting for the intense class day on Wednesday.

Morning came soon enough. Yawns, early morning stretches and all. Before first class was punctuated with a run for brownies.

Morning class was for two hours and Masatoshi and River managed to get into their first classes easily and when it was done, they waited for a few moments before heading to their second classes. Haruo was over at the Stadium for his second class of the day.

Classes were scheduled two hours apart which made things really tight to get around campus and invariably there were unsurprisingly logjams at the doors. "Hey, guys..." River exclaimed irritatedly, "It would be nice when you exit the class lecture halls, that you all kindly move away from the other people can get out!"

Haruo went off to the apothecary to get rid of some gem dust so that they could get some monetary recompense and not have to spend a whole bunch of their life savings other than buying each person of their family who was going to University a vehicle so that they could get around - there went §60,000. He then met up with River and Masatoshi at the burger joint and had a bite to eat while River and Masatoshi studied at the outdoor tables. Luckily it wasn't raining or they and their computers would have gotten soaked.

Then it was back home to go to sleep...and rest up for Thursday...which was yet another classroom activity day...which mean one practical lab day for Masatoshi and an activity day for River and Haruo.

Nighty-night to all three of them and they had pleasant dreams, especially River and Haruo, spooned up together.

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