Thursday 15 March 2018

The Inexorable March of Time

For many of the older adults in the family, life went by so quickly. And it was time. Yasunobu felt old-age creep around the corner and couldn't be stopped.

For most, it seemed to be that the eve of the latter part of one's life should not really be celebrated...insofar as it marked the twilight of one's existence. But Yasunobu appeared cheery enough.

Well the transition went well, he went from a distinguished looking middle-aged man to a distinguished looking elder.

...and he looked so much like the Watcher's late father.

His beloved wife, Susan, joined him in elder status soon after.

Dougal and Caed were hit with the aging up too.

...and then his brother, Toshiyuki...also got his birthday; then Fiona, then Molly, then Satoshi.

There would be a lot of A535 needed in that household after all that...the aging creaking bones. (Don't laugh, the Watcher has enough arthritis to last him a lifetime...)

Quite a few retired and since they all decided that they were going to enjoy their birthday, they all decided to stay home from work.

Part of aging up meant that one wasn't as full of energy as they were when they were younger. Poor River...she didn't look happy that that was what she and Haruo were looking forward to as they aged...

But that wasn't going to let Haruo stop him from loving his wife.

...and neither was that going to stop things from breaking down. It seemed as though Dougal was interested in tackling the washer that had broken down and started sparking and throwing up its load of laundry soap all over the floor. Luckily he didn't meet the Reaper early.

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