Monday 19 March 2018

Bad Decisions and Even Badder Ones

When the builders were done, there was some alterations that needed to be worked on. A torii is not so much a gate as it is an object of reverence; Only a Shinto deity is allowed to walk through the center of the torii. If a mere mortal must pass through the gate, he will walk to the inner side of the gate, not through the center, or he will by-pass it entirely in devout reverence to the deities. So unfortunately, another pass-through gate had to be created.

Let's just say the builders weren't impressed; more freezing their buns off was required to add another gate to the fence. Oh well, that's life. Shikata ga nai. (an old Japanese saying that roughly means "It can't be helped." Or depending on the vocal intonation, it could also be construed as saying "Tough caca...Deal with it."

While the builders were swearing up a storm (you know, "Flark this, Flark that...Flarkin'...~bleepin' snow~") Haruo headed off to Aleister's Elixirs...and pawned off a few more low quality jewels. After all, his personal inventory was getting a bit crammed. How the living daylights these sims can carry it all, is impressive. And they're also able to pull objects out of thin air. The other alternative is rather stomach-churning.

While River was waiting for her husband to return from his weekly visit to the apothecary, she worked on cleaning (till pristine - neat sims are obsessive about cleanliness), and looking out the window for her husband's Margarite Vaguester.

Of course, when he got home, the first thing he did was flirt and of course, that was definitely appealing to River.

But River had cooking to do...and well...Caeden was pleasantly surprised to see how well his daughter could cook.

Dinner time was jam-packed at the two dining room tables. Considering that it required eighteen sims to get fed, it was quite annoying to say the least, but eventually everyone was able to quell their stomachs with delicious food cooked by both River and Haruo.

However, Dougal had the idea that he would head back to his old haunt to see what things were up to over there. Probably not the best idea that he'd had since giving up his position as criminal kingpin.

Yep, Life sucked the big one for poor Dougal, because just as he'd gotten in the gate... BLAMMO!

Well...gosh, golly gee...that wasn't a fun situation to be in. Looking for your old buddies in crime one minute...and then pulverized into a mushy a rock...hurtling through space, flattened and burned to a crisp. Yep, Dougal got turned into a pancake.

Maybe the Reaper would be magnanimous and allow Dougal to continue living, but kind of hard when one was pulverized to the thickness of a 20lb bond letter paper and his bones were now ash. Oh well...

Nope, looks like Grim wasn't in the mood today, so it looked as though Dougal would be joining the heavenly choir, he was gone to meet his maker, laid out in repose, done for, erased, extinct...(okay...I think we all get the picture). Deader than a doornail. Well, he'd definitely poked the pooch on this one, as far as bad decisions went. And he paid dearly for it. Well...shikata ga nai, eh.

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