Tuesday 6 March 2018

Alan and River Age Up

Well, Monday morning came soon enough for the Chikamori kids and Sandi. First day in high-school for Sandi and she knew that she had to get her grades up if she wanted to avoid being sent to military school. She knew that even though her step-father was an anomaly, being a free-spirit and a party-animal, the rest of the Chikamoris were uptight and results oriented. They thrived on order and routine as well as a good shot of good fortune. Even Aunt Fiona had turned into Medusa, as far as Sandi was concerned. She was so focused on her political career that her family, if they weren't so focused themselves would have wondered about her. Since she was only a teenager, she couldn't very well tell Aunt Fiona about that. It would not go over well. So off to the school bus she went...no matter how much she hated school.

Morning for Haruo involved walking out to the mailbox to get the mail and pay the bills. Thanks, mail-lady. Just what he needed to start off the day; a §7952.00 tax bill. Guess what, your yearly taxes are due...from the Incorporated City of Riverview, Canada. You get to pay the lobster meal for the mayor of Riverview.../dripping sarcasm/ ...that pompous, opinionated windbag. Congratulations...that's where your tax-dollars are going.

Even though he had enough money to eat out without worrying about finances. §13M was definitely a good chunk of money to live off of, he knew that he couldn't spend this money willy-nilly. If he wanted it to last and be a financial legacy to his kids he needed to nurse that money and make sure that the only expenditures that he made were actually financially needed. Even the cars, a seeming extravagance at University were so that he could use his time more efficiently instead of biking everywhere and wasting valuable study time commuting. Study time was important and that's why he, River and Masatoshi graduated on the Dean's List in comparison to other sims...so he came home and cooked a meal for himself and made several othe servings to use as left-overs for the rest of the family.

Sandi came home from school and belly-ached and moaned about her schoolwork, but she sat down anyway and did her homework. Especially with someone watching her, it wasn't easy to cut school or avoid doing her homework. She definitely couldn't do either of those things without the consequence of a one-way ticket to military school.

Yasunobu spent a lot of time on the piano playing. As he grew older, he enjoyed the little things in life and spending time engrossed in music was one of them. He also enjoyed tinkering in the garden, being self-employed in gardening.

...and very soon, there was a birthday party to celebrate the aging up of Alan to a teenager. As with all the Chikamori birthdays, it was a private affair, restricted to family members only and Alan didn't mind. It wasn't as if the Chikamori house was a town hall...and had enormous amounts of room for people to gather. Plus for him, it meant that the people who he cared about were around him.

Then it was River's turn to age up. Haruo thought she was beautiful and hugged his wife.

...and Caitlin went downstairs to work off the cake just in case.

...and so River and Haruo grew into adulthood and Alan became a teenager and the march of time went on.

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