Monday 5 March 2018

Sandi's Birthday

Sandi's birthday party was a private affair with only her family attending and considering how large of a family it was, it certainly made it so that adding more people was darn near impossible.

Sandi stared at the cake for a long while before blowing it out.

As the puffs of smoke billowed from the extinguished candles, she aged up to teen. She must have been overjoyed. Evidently she also got the evil trait as well.

She aged into quite the pretty teen-ager. Haruo was wondering if he would have to crank out the shotgun and make certain that any boyfriends that came over were petrified.

River talked with Satoshi about Sandi's grades and how she needed to improve them to avoid being sent to military school.

And the family spent the rest of the day listening to piano playing.

Anyways, it was a great way to end off the day.

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