Monday 19 March 2018

Evidently the Watcher Isn't Done Playing Cosmic Dice Throw

As callous as it may seem, life went on, as Dougal's remains were interred at the cemetery. They had to eat, milk the cows and get the eggs from the chickens as well as make breakfast, lunch and dinner. These were the necessary tasks of life.

It was certainly cold, insofar as climate went. Just when it seemed like it couldn't snow any longer, there was yet another snowfall in the forecast.

Because Caeden was closest to Dougal, he was the one who went to retrieve Dougal's remains from where he became a crispy critter.

But all's well that ends well and finally Dougal was interred at the family cemetery.

As much of a jerk as Dougal was, he was still family and even though he wasn't as much of an "evil creep" like Mayumi; he was missed by most members of the family - most of all by kind-hearted Alanna.

Which was more than could be said for Mayumi...

The rest of the family just put up their chin and made a brave face. Who knew that there was a meteor strike that just happened to kill one of their family members? Sometimes life was very fleeting and it was just a chance roll of the dice of fate that determined whether you lived or died. Of course, River and Haruo sort of regretted how harsh they were to Dougal...and Haruo had to cheer River up about it, even though he wasn't feeling all that chipper either.

Well it wasn't long before Earth was a target of yet another meteor storm. Evidently something in the magnetic field of the Sun shifted and it affected the trajectories of the asteroids in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and it certainly caused a much higher percentage of asteroid strikes than predicted. The next asteroid storm happened the very next day and Riverview was right in the target area. City Hall had no idea that it was right in the bulls-eye of that asteroid strike.

Nope, nary a clue...until two blasts rocked the cityhall as two gigantic asteroids impacted (When we think of gigantic, we think of two mile-wide asteroids...not a few feet or so; Extinction Level Event, guys. Not rinkydinky asteroids that Sims call "gigantic" which are only a few feet across.) causing a poor paparazzi to wet herself and turn into a ghost (albeit temporarily.

Such is life. You think you're safe from harm and then the universe decides that it's going throw the meanest curve-ball you've ever seen. Well at least no sims were hurt in the making of THIS chapter. Can't promise there won't be more deaths at some point in the story-line. ~evil grin~

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