Saturday 5 May 2018

Big Plans for Elsa; Aidan Gets His Heart Crushed

One of the things that Haruo loved doing was to play the violin. Whether it was reels or violin concerti, he was always yanking out the violin and playing it, most often in the most inopportune locations, such as right in front of the house front door. Y'know, Haruo, other sims have to go to work.

With so many sims in the household, laundry was a chore that took several sim-hours to complete. Poor River had to go from room to room and gather up all the laundry hampers full of clothing and dump them in the washer...then once the wash-cycle finished up, she ended up having to put them in the dryer. It was a repetitive process.

River knew that her husband cooked well...and the meals were delicious. And every so often he would change it up with a new dish and always, there were left-overs.

...and Brianna was getting unwanted date calls from a guy 40 years her senior who had managed to see her working at the school. Isn't this what is known as harassment?

Greta and Elsa had a good conversation at the breakfast table one morning regarding Elsa's plans after Greta got married. Elsa was independent and wanted to move herself out so that Braden and Greta had privacy. Of course the whole family would come together if they decided that moving to a different community (world) was a viable option. It was the way of life. Once a child has reached a certain age and has gotten married, they make their own way in life and well, the parents have to let go.

Masatoshi had his own plans about moving out of the family fold, but he would discuss that with Caitlin; he had too many things to think about and that would just make his meal unpalatable if he concentrated on it when he was eating.

River enjoyed a good rousing round of chess by herself as she raised her logic level.

And Braden, Haruo and Brianna engaged each other in a game of pool.

As always there were lots of things to do. Aiden ended up in the flower garden where he talked to Alanna about things that were on his mind.
Aidan: "Look Alanna, I know that we've known each other for a long time..."
Alanna: "Yeah, we're like a brother to me...Aidan."
Aidan: "I don't know how to make this easy, but I always found you to be really attractive..."
Alanna: "I don't think that's a great idea...Aidan...we're related. And in any case. As nice as you are, I'm just not that into you. You're a family member...and not someone that I see as a romantic interest."
Aidan: (silent, heart crushed).

...and that's the way romance goes. When she says that she's she's not that into you...., guys, she's NOT INTO YOU. Don't press the matter. Aidan would be crushed for a while, but well, he's young, he'll find the right girl for him... eventually.

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