Tuesday 1 May 2018

Brianna and Greta's Graduation Ceremony

The rest of the day was relatively uneventful, with Alan cooking up something for everyone to eat and the rest of the family going in and out the front gate.

It appeared as though Susan had caught the demolition freak bug and blew up Grady's Dump. Well...it made for a blast of an evening.

...and someone got hit by lightning. Chalk up yet another tally in the graveyard. Oh well, such is life.

Some loitering fan was hanging around hoping for a view from the sim of her dreams... Sorry toots, resetSim... Vaya con dios.

Breakfast the next morning was waffles...which Haruo cooked.

...and Yasunobu worked in the garden, but then it was time for Brianna's graduation ceremony. It took quite a concerted effort to get everyone down to the city hall for the ceremony but it was done. Way to go, sims. Good on ya.

And more endless repetitions of Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance.

As usual the Paparazzi was there in full view to see the newly minted high-school graduate emerge from the city hall in graduate robes, her spirits merry and looking forward to taking the bull of life by the horns and wrestling it to the ground. Of course every so often the bull with catch you unawares with a hoof to the side of the head. But she'll learn...she shall learn...that...yeah...maybe it might be better to go to university and STAY there...getting as many degrees as she can.

As a matter of fact, both Greta and Brianna graduated at the same time...and thus were both celebrated with one graduation ceremony.

It was a joyous occasion for both Greta and Brianna and their parents took the time to hug them as they set out on their life's journey.

...and then it was back to the house in order to have themselves a private celebration without paparazzi within arms reach of them.

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