Tuesday 15 May 2018

"What Happened to the Prof?"

Tuesday morning started out just like every Tuesday morning; Aidan and Braden headed out for class lecture. Which as usual proved to be more socializing because the prof never shows up at these things. What exactly are the sims paying good money for when the prof doesn't even do his job?

By the time the Fine Arts Lecture rolled around, Bri and Alanna fell asleep. Evidently studying all last night was enough to wipe them out.

They roused themselves awake, but still no professor.

Alanna was seriously not impressed with the whole non-lecture class. Maybe that prof needs to be cited for faculty misconduct (not teaching a specified class and being absent from said class).

Alanna muttered to herself under her breath, "What a freakin' waste of time. I could have learned more skipping class and studying at home...Two full terms and I still haven't seen the professor other than at regular class." Meanwhile Bri had fallen asleep yet again.

...and on top of that Alanna had to fire her limo driver and find a replacement since he ended up making a right turn onto University Boulevard (no cars allowed and accidentally rammed into the building. Luckily insurance covered it all), but the driver got his walking papers.

Back at home it was back to mealtime; eat and study, that was the routine necessary. And the rest of the family decided to continue studying so that they would excel in their final exams.

As it was, it was late at night and they needed to rest for the next day.

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