Monday 14 May 2018

The Weekend

There was definitely time for relaxing around the dinner table; whether it was reading or eating a meal.

Alanna called her mom and talked to her about her exams. Her mom told her that she was proud of her and that Alanna did the best that she could on those exams. Alanna was grateful of her upbringing that had encouraged her and made her feel that she could accomplish anything if she put her mind to it.

Afterwards, she embraced her boyfriend, Kunio. She was so engrossed in that embrace that she didn't even notice Aidan walking past, who looked over rather sadly and walked towards the kitchen without saying a word.

Night fell and while other denizens were out doing their nightly jaunts, the Chikamori kids and their significant others slept.

The next day while other students were hanging out by the beach, the kids were either working on their martial arts or sparring. Aidan and Brianna decided to have a sparring match where Brianna kicked Aidan's tail end.

Sparring worked up a sweat and Brianna dove into the shower to get all cleaned up because she didn't want to work on dinner smelling like something that crawled out of the sewer.

But she couldn't take too much time to enjoy her time under the hot water jets, because others had to use it too and she needed to get out before they all complained. Alanna was next to use the shower and likewise, she had to get out before the last two complained.

...and well...the last two who needed to use the shower were Greta and Braden. Conserving water...?

Shower Hogs!

...and poor Kunio had to deal with the messy counter.

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