Saturday 26 May 2018

Taking Each Day One Day at a Time.

Briana was was definitely working her way up in the education field. After slogging her way through as a playground monitor and her degree getting her a leg up to Level 4 in education as a Elementary School Teacher. She was now a middle-school teacher, teaching the older child sims; the ones who would be going into high-school. She certainly was doing well in her field and earning more money, but was she really happy? It was hard to tell, she was second out the door every morning heading to her work and she did her best every single day, but there just seemed to be a bit of discontent; wondering if the daily 9-5 grind was everything that it was cracked up to be. She was an artist and her paintbrush lay languishing on her easel.

Haruo used the deep-fryer to create some fried burritos. At least all the washrooms were fully functional, because there could be a major run for the facilities later on. But burritos were so darned good. The Watcher is going to miss them in real life.

Alanna dealt with her loss by teaching Kai how to walk. It kept her mind off her husband's death and kept her from dwelling in her misery. It also allowed her to make certain that Caitlin didn't get overwhelmed by all the work that she had to do after she got back from work.

...and the fact that Alanna took the time to teach Kai, enabled Kai to learn fast and soon he was scooting around the room tottering around and generally getting into things.

...and eventually he could toddle to the washroom on his own and manage to make it so that Alanna's poor nasal passages wouldn't be assaulted.

It was certainly frigid temperatures and the days that it didn't snow were few and far between.

And all too soon Kai became a child...after learning all the things he had to learn as a toddler.

Haruo and River usually found ways to keep their love alive...which of course was "fun-time" in the shower.

What else...? Plenty of time for woohoo, after all and River and Haruo were blissfully happy. Happy Happy Joy joy happy happy. WOOHOO...wheeeee.

Evidently some stunted slime with a telephoto lens had tried to pop pictures and then slandered River with them, so she had to head to the courthouse and pretty much legally beat the slimeball's financial security to a bloody, stinking pile.

...and thus the days and nights went on; and Haruo measured his length again while trying to get more milkshake.

...and that was how the Chikamoris coped: taking each day as it came - one day at a time.

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