Friday 4 May 2018

New Boarders

Brianna as a young adult was self-sufficient and discipline which meant that when she wasn't at work, she was doing her best to upgrade her skills. What a diligent sim. She's the type of sim that you'd want to be heir to the family fortune. ;) Because you know that she'd do wonders with it.

But of course that ne'er-do-well offspring of Constance Shelley decided to interrupt her studying her skill books to upgrade her knowledge of logic. That pretty much got her goat. "NO! Eli, I don't care...what you think we have together. We have absolutely nothing in common. Now go away! Besides, you're two years younger than I am...and I'm graduated from school. I don't want to be hauled into court for having a relationship with a minor. Now, please...don't call here again. Do you understand me?"

Some people don't get the message.

That night, the Chikamoris received two new boarders in Shigeo Kanzaki and Kunio Yamada who took up residence in a bunk-bed in what used to be Brianna's old room when she moved into the larger room that Sandi used to frequent when she was still living there. As it was it provided her more space for the drafting table and easel that she was intending on using as she had mastered her painting skill.

River had her meal before she had to do household chores and then go up and sculpt a few more sculptures. Sculpting was hard and frankly, new sculptures were rare and far between. But she kept at it.

Shigeo and Kunio pretty much couldn't believe the luck that they'd had in landing with the Chikamori family. It provided them a stable family until they got themselves established in Riverview. Plus of course Kunio thought that it was nice that there were two hot unattached females in the household. Yeah, Kunio, always thinking with your OTHER brain.

The autumn morning was cool and crisp with a little bite to the air as one breathed in. And the trees were rapidly losing the leave that were left on them. By the time the first snow fell they should all be bare, given a windstorm or two.

Life in Riverview was quiet, with the occasional dealing going on which the cops had to break up. Evidently something went down outside the city hall because the Riverview PD had to attend.

And other sims were doing their groceries.

Just as Haruo had to do in order to keep the fridge filled with meats that couldn't be grown, like hot dog links, chicken and roasts. After all...the only meats that one could grow was burger patties and steaks. So frankly they still had to go to the grocery store for certain items.

Forgetting to eat breakfast was probably not a good idea as Haruo was famished. Luckily just across the park promenade, he could go to the Bistro to eat...and so he did.

...and life went on in Riverview... usual

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