Sunday 27 May 2018

Fixing the Mausoleum and Daily Chores

Since the founder was getting tired of having the Chikamori family relocate non-Chikamori family members from the graveyard, he created a mausoleum that wasn't a mausoleum - no more getting singed from zombie bears and no more catacombs.

It was a relatively small mausoleum with potential to expand later as needed.

No catacombs at all and Dougal decided that he was going to take some time and check it out. Well, considering how dead it was at the cemetery anything new sparks a bit of interest from the spectral relatives.

Haruo had to deal with some business regarding an acquisition of a property at city hall, then he went and joined the rest of the family at the local Hogan's Diner.

Haruo wondered if Crocodile Dundee was the owner of Hogan's Diner. (Anybody old enough to catch that reference?)

It must have been a busy night since they ended up having to stay outside for a while. And it was cold enough that it snowed later that night while they headed home.

Morning meant milking the cows and Kai headed off to military school to join his brother Jerad.

...and Haruo made lunch...of some sort.

...and so things went at the Chikamori house.

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