Thursday 17 May 2018

Last Classes, Graduation and Travel Home

Thursday morning saw Braden and Aidan at the school learning their anatomy from the Them Bones skeleton. They say that the thing is animated; still haven't seen 'em move yet. And still haven't seen a one-armed skeleton chasing Aidan down the university concourse swinging his other detached arm like a baseball bat. That would make the sadistic Watcher have giggles and fits...if not shiggles and gits.

Alanna went to class.

Meanwhile, some Toronto fan streaked the campus. Guess the drought got to her or something, because she was screaming "Toronto wants the Cup!!!" Still four months till playoff, yet, lady. least it could be worse. Braden ended up with the skeleton of a Leafs' fan

Maybe he should get a refund.

When the woman got her clothes back on (probably after freezing whatever bits could be frozen), she started building a snowman. Bri could only shake her head sadly. "Well, I guess it could be worse, Dad's a Canucks fan." Look up futility in the dictionary. You'll find a picture of the Canucks logo. (Bloody heck, we're picking SEVENTH in the draft this year...)

Friday was just as weird with having to run to classes for final exams. But they all managed to ace their exams. And that was a great load off their they reached the end of their baccalaureate studies. And then they would go home and start their lives.

Greta had to do a final business presentation to get extra grades on her Bachelor of Business Administration program. And she did so and got it done well...though why it was out in the student square and in the snow...who knows?

They all went to the diner to celebrate and well, there was someone there who decided that Braden wasn't a great fit for Greta and proceeded to try to "come on" to her. Braden put a quick stop to that by getting in his face. And well, the Watcher had to do something to the lecherous punk too.

Serves him right. That'll learn him.

Saturday morning saw the kids eating breakfast...knowing that that day was the day that they would graduate and get their degrees, then they would all be heading for home.

Noon-time rolled around and they were down at the Athletic Department Stadium.

It took about four and a half hours, but eventually everyone came out with degrees in hand and they were ready to travel their long-waiting family (who since they were frozen in time, while the kids were at school; didn't freeze to death).

Happy Travels home, kids.

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