Saturday 12 May 2018

Harold Assange Earns the Wrath of the Watcher

While the sun slowly descended down in the sky towards the horizon, the kids decided to meet at the diner again for dinner. It meant that they would go home with their stomachs full and able to study for the rest of the evening.

Luckily the diner wasn't filled with people coming into eat and the paparazzi hadn't caught wind of where they were or they would have been inundated with autograph seekers. Sometimes celebrity was a pain.

Harold Assange was doing some extra-curricular illegal activity. So the Watcher decided that an attitude correction was in order. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't.

Watcher: "So...Harold, you've been a naughty, naughty sim. What are we going to do with you..."

Harold Assange: "Let me go?"

Watcher: "WRONG ANSWER! Ten million volts"

Harold Assange (screams)

Watcher: "Do you plan to do more extracurricular activities that result in other sims getting harmed?"

Harold Assange: "Uh..."

Watcher (not liking this): "Perhaps a little more correction is needed."

A thunderclap... Harold Assange looks up Why is the sky getting dark...other than the fact that it's night time? : "Oh...NO!"

Watcher grinned evilly. " might change your mind more quickly?" he said menacingly.

Harold Assange turned pale: "Um..."

"Not quick enough..."

Harold Assange: Oh...NO... "OK...I will...stop the meteor shower...PLEASE!!?"

Watcher: "OK..."

Harold Assange sighed with relief...

Watcher: "I lied."

Lesson to be learned here, kiddies: Never trust an omniscient being to be interested in your welfare. ~evil grin~

Well, at least the Chikamori kids got some spending money out of the meteors...and Harold Assange learned a lesson ( worries...boys and girls, he got out of it...singed, scared, and smelling like pee, but he survived).

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