In the morning, It was Brianna's day to become a young adult; a date that River and Haruo were both anticipating, yet dreading. Anticipating because it would be a happy day for their oldest daughter, yet dreading because that birthday marked yet another milestone of their own life; one step closer to the end.
But all that melancholy was placed to the side as their daughter stood in front of the cake and wished her silent wish and blew out the candles. Everyone cheered. And in a wink of an eye, the young teenage woman became a young adult. Everyone watched as she took the opportunity to take the first slice, sit down at the table and partake of her birthday cake. Then the cake was devoured as everyone else grabbed their slices.
After the birthday party others did their own activities, such as Elsa playing video games on the TV and Jerad enjoying a meal.
Afterwards, Brianna got up and headed out to the school to obtain a career in the field of education. She had worked at the bookstore for quite some time, but now, she had to find her life's work and she felt that working with children was in her best benefit and the most enjoyable occupation that she could have. She took a taxi there but found out that her father had sent over a newly bought Kompensator for her to drive from now on.
...and thus Brianna aged up to young adulthood, secure in the knowledge that she had herself a potentially well-paying occupation that would allow her to mold and shape the minds of tomorrow's youngsters.