Thursday 12 April 2018

Work & Play

Yasunobu and Susan were very affectionate and as they grew older, they had grown much closer in relationship. Despite the fact that Susan was Yasunobu's second wife, he was much closer with her than with his first wife, the late and unlamented Mayumi.

Yasunobu finally got the "Uncommonly Good" gardening opportunity and decided to take down twenty of his freshest vegetables to the diner, all were Perfect quality so the diner was absolutely ecstatic. When he was done, he went to the store and bought 25 cheeses out of which he planted five of them and threw the rest in the fridge.

River, being gorgeous, got a Celebrity opportunity to play a walk-on role in a play. So she headed off to the theatre.

Haruo, also received the same offer as his father, and headed down to Hogan's to hand over HIS perfect vegetables.

On the way home, River dropped off a painting which she got paid handsomely for.

In high-summer it was lovely to see the trees come alive...

A truly Japanese-Canadian home, with a nice long bridge over lots of water.

River and Haruo decided that they would go catch a movie at the theatre mainly because River had been carrying that wish since Shang Sim La and well, the Watcher figured, now's a good time as any to get rid of it.

And...after that...well...things evolved from there...

...very pleasant things...

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