Monday 16 April 2018

Still Seeking Simoleons

Watcher's Note: I tend to play far ahead in my it may be a while till I get to the story line of the pictures posted.

Nighttime was quiet around the Chikamori household as most of them were asleep, gearing up for the mad-rush around the house in the mornings. So it gave the Watcher time to go wandering around the neighbourhood. The Torii-gate was an icon around the neighbourhood and well, anyone who drove past it knew for a fact that the Chikamoris lived in that enormous house.

So while the Chikamoris were asleep, the Watcher took a stroll down to the family graveyard where the peaceful half lived (sorry...lay repose...)

...all except for one family member, Caeden McIrish who got some otherworldly kicks by haunting his fellow family members' gravestones.

Of course, the Watcher got a bright idea in his head and wandered over to Spector's Community Graveyard (the one in the previous pictures was the Chikamori's Family Cemetery - family members only).

Yep...ghosts can evidently be hit by lightning too. What a great idea. And...they can also get hit and singed by meteors too.

Well, at least the Watcher wasn't bored waiting for the family to wake up and get back to another day of enjoyable mayhem.

And of course Yasunobu had to go out and collect the space rocks that fell from the sky (hey, it's simoleons) and got himself all singed. Time to head home for a shower.

Susan made some breakfast in the morning when she got up.

Haruo went out to do some gardening when he roused himself out of bed. After all the quest for perfect vegetables and fruits never stops. Gotta keep planting and growing and cultivating. Endless fun for all.

River did some painting whilst Susan went down and did some sciency things. Research and learning never stop even though Susan is an elder.

The Butsudan was nicely lit up. Have to keep the ancestors happy and same with Buddha.

After researching science, Susan went on to go work at the inventing table and well, River worked on a Masterpiece painting that was going towards yet another Painting the City, that River was called to do. Thank you, NRAAS... ~wink~

Meanwhile Yasunobu enjoyed the afternoon playing piano.

...and of course, River got another date-call which she flatly turned down, after all, the only person that she was going to go on a date with was her happily married husband, Haruo.

Of course in the midst of their busy day, there was always a little time for some affectionate snogging.

Have to keep the love alive...

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