Tuesday 3 April 2018

Caeden's Day Out

The all-omnipotent Watcher got a message that Ali Shelley decided that he would skip school that day. Does he not realize that if he doesn't go to school he'll end up being a ditch-digger or some other mundane occupation drudge that regrets his actions? There seems to be a rash of sims skipping school. Time to teach the little rugrat teenager a message.

Ali Shelley: "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" ~pained scream~

Watcher: "Your Mommy, Constance, would be so disappointed in you...Ali, you wouldn't want to disappoint your mommy, would you?"

Ali Shelley: "Bah...school's so boring...ow...that hurt...

Watcher: "But school is important...you want to succeed in life, don't you?

Ali Shelley: "OH GOD...PLEASE STOP!!!! NO!!! IT HURTS!!!!"

Watcher: "Wrong deity...Ali...now...are you going to quit cutting school and do your homework every night. Right now you're averaging D in grades...you're going to have to pick it up...if you want to graduate with the rest of your classmates."

Ali Shelley: "Alright...alright...I'll think about it...

Watcher: ~silent~

Ali Shelley: "OK OK...I'll GO!!! Quit zapping me..."

Watcher: (sardonically) "You've got three months to get your grades up to a C+ average, maybe not the B+ that your mom expects, but at least you'll pass...and maybe you might have a shot at university if you apply yourself. But just in case you need a reminder..."

Ali Shelley: ~agonized scream~

While Ali was getting a rather ionized, electrically charged attitude correction, the Chikamoris were doing their usual daily routines. Toshiyuki was inventing.

Caeden went over to Aleister's

...as well as chatting with Nadine Ivanov who was at Aleister's as well.

He also went over to boast about his family to another sim who was living in the Ol' Man Cottoneye's old Cold-War Bunker.

When Caeden got back, Toshiyuki was still at the inventing, so Caeden went up to his own room and used his computer to write a book.

Well...that certainly was a highlight in Caeden's day, as the former criminal was now a proud grandpa of four grand-kids. Luckily he owned up to his responsibilities and even if he didn't have cash, he was doing his part to try to be a good grandpa...texting his grandkids at CFB Starch and making sure that they were obeying their company commander's orders. That was softening Fiona and River's hearts to him.

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