Friday 13 April 2018

A Grim Workout

Haruo went down to the weight machine to work out. After all he had to keep that bod in shape and well, he hadn't hit the weights in a while and he wanted to get swole again, so why not spend the time since he already had the gym equipment. He certainly didn't want to end up looking like the Pilsbury Dough-boy or the Michelin Man. That certainly wouldn't look good at all.

Dara had her birthday and aged up to child so she was able to do things for herself and well, she decided to grab a bite to eat from the fridge.

While Dara was partaking of victuals, Haruo decided that he would work on his chest by doing bench presses.

River got yet another "Painting the City" opportunity so that she was able to get over §415,000 for 15 paintings which was quite a payday.

Heather Crosby and Calum MacKenzie did their part in reading up and increasing their skills so that they could find good paying jobs.

...and Haruo after getting all stinky by lifting weights went and took a shower.

Haruo got "The Business of Décor" painting opportunity and headed over to Doo Peas to take care of that.

Calum looked up the weather on the computer...Looked like it would be a bit rainy next day, but was supposed to clear up the following week.

...and Haruo went outside to take care of the garden after he got back from being paid from Doo Peas Business Officer Tower. It looked as though the tomatoes were coming in nice.

Calum had a bite to eat before getting onto doing whatever it was that he was doing. Eventually they (Calum, Heather and Dara) were going to have to move out and find their way in Riverview, but for least they had a roof over their head and a way to get their feet under them.

Heather Crosby decided that she would try to figure out how to make potions.

...and Yasunobu decided to try his hand at inventing.

...and well, it appeared as though Heather had come to a decision that they (she, Calum and Dara would move out by the end of next day).

Luckily, Yasunobu had better luck than his brother and didn't light himself on fire as far as inventing was concerned.

Of course, not all was quiet though, because the McDermotts were not in the good graces of the Watcher.

...and the Watcher decided that it was THEIR time to die. Happy Landings. ~evil grin~

Well...if a meteor doesn't work...maybe a lightning bolt will...

...and well it appeared that young Master Travis was the lone McDermott standing at the end of that and the teenager got his age-up to Young Adult to stick a finger in the eye of Ministry of Children and Families. Take that.

Well, Grim hung around for yet another little while warning Travis that he needed to keep in mind that mortality could be just around the corner for him if he didn't behave himself.

A right cheery ol' bloke, that Grimmy is, idn't he? Right jolly ol' bloke. Makes ya wanna take him to the corner pub n' buy 'im a pint.

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