Thursday 19 April 2018

Suing Paparazzi and Playing with Chicks

There's always someone looking to make a simoleon off you if you're famous and thus inherently rich. And well, the Chikamoris were no different than any other celebrity. There were smear mags dedicated to scratching under the fertilizer to try and dig up muck to pin on you. Well, Haruo was the next person to get smeared and well, he wasn't going to take that sitting down, nosirree, Bob. He marched across the bridge, out the front gate and drove down to City Hall to raise a ruckus. "What kind of a stinkin' town do you run anyways, mayor!? That you let paparazzi have the run of the whole town smearing every one of note in sight? Well, consider yourself sued, good sir (pronounced rather suspiciously like cur"

As usual there was a paparazzi right outside the courthouse/city-hall just waiting to get all the juicy details. Well, he got juiced. Let's just say that the Watcher doesn't like paparazzi any more than Haruo does. Well, Mr. Paparazzi, how about you go find yourself some juicy gossip on Grim. Oh...well, you're too scared to? Well, tough're going to be spending a LOT of time standing around bored then.

It was a particularly tasty meal that evening at home, since Haruo had won the court-case and the paparazzi had to pay up and not to mention the other paparazzi had to pay the piper. Sayonara...Mr. Paps. Luckily the Watcher was kind enough to electrocute him and not set him on fire.

Early the next morning, while it was still dark, Haruo went out in his black underroos and played with chicks (there's really a dirty joke in here somewhere...I'm not going to dig it out).

"I'm going to hug him and squeeze him...and call him George..." OK...yuh...

Life's always fun with chicks.

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