Sunday 29 April 2018

Your Average Family Week

When Greta got home from CROTP, she took a shower, then headed to the bookstore to pick up a few skillbooks that she needed.

Haruo went off to Aleister's the next day

...and the children had homework to do, which didn't make them feel all that great, but well, if they didn't study; they wouldn't learn and well, that wouldn't be good, would it?

The adults in the house ate dinner after they came home from work. As fall progressed, the days were getting shorter and there was a bite in the air.

Since it was still warm enough that the lake out front wasn't frozen, Haruo and one of his sons went out and fished.

River headed down to the grocery store and bought a few supplies to make a meal.

Greta, Simone and Jerad were downstairs in the Science Room; Greta was inventing and Simone and Jerad were concocting potions.

River was busy with sculptures trying to make some more income (even though they were rich, well, income flow was income flow and with an enormous bill, things could easily go from cash inflow to cash outflow in a matter of a few days). On top of that, some wise-acre decided to plant a grove of money trees and you know what potential that has.

The Watcher has given up trying to figure out why Abacadabra does the things he does.

Brianna sat down with her grandfather and had a meal.

...and well, Haruo and River...did what Haruo and River do the most.

If you two aren't careful, you just might pop out another one.

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