Friday 13 April 2018

No Reprieve for Odin Crosby

Luckily the Chikamoris got to Dara before she was taken by the social worker, mainly because Heather was working and Dara had no one other than Odin Crosby to take care of her. Which meant that the Chikamoris had to take care of Dara until Heather Crosby got off work.

Since the house had been completely pummelled, there was no way that the family would be able to let Heather and Dara go back to their home, so they freed up a room so that Heather and Dara would have their own bit of privacy.

...and even though she was in a spate of grief over Odin's death, Heather got right down to dealing with Dara and teaching her how to talk.

Meanwhile Haruo and River challenged each other to a game of ping-pong. Yeah...Haruo got his rear-end royally handed to him. Yeah next time, he'll think twice about challenging his beloved River to a ping-pong match thinking that she was an easy win.

Haruo figured that he'd bring in an old buddy from university...named Calum MacKenzie and well...he showed up that afternoon and proceeded downstairs to go work out. Meanwhile Heather had to deal with Dara and her needs.

Meanwhile, the Watcher was gleefully, maniacally making Sims around Riverview paranoid.

Well, it could be could be non-stop relentless meteor strikes...and I could load up half the town with aliens with a grudge against regular sims.

The Watcher let the town get back to an even least for the short-term.

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